CAN messages recording / replaying
The Simulator allows you to record and replay CAN bus communication.
Recording CAN messages

Data frames recorder
Records communication on CAN bus.
Grouping and filtering
Support for grouping, either built-in and user defined. Enables filtering displayed data frames according to destination addresses, PGN numbers, activity etc.
Data frames
Maintains a time sequence of all data frames.
Exporting data
Recorded data frames can be saved to XML or CSV data files.
Assemble multipacket data
Recorded multipacket data can be assembled to corresponding PGN.
Replaying CAN messages

Grouping and filtering
Support for grouping, either built-in and user defined. Enables filtering displayed data frames according to destination addresses, PGN numbers, activity etc.
Data frames
Maintains a time sequence of all data frames.
Loading data
Recorded data frames can be loaded from PEAK, ASC, XML or CSV data files.
Replaying CAN messages